
4.7 ( 6247 ratings )
Sociale netværk Foto og video
Forfatter: Ruud Enterprise

Ever wished you could be in more than one place at the same time?

It’s frustrating if you missed out on something that happened on a night out, or at a party. You’re having a great time of course, but somewhere else one of your mates is doing something ridiculous!

You’ve got all your own photos and videos sure, but that doesn’t tell the whole story. And it only gets worse the day after the night before, when everyone’s talking about what you didn’t see!

Yes your mates might post images on social media, but none of us really have time the to go through 20 different sets of photos in loads of different places.

So we decided to do something about it! The result is Scripin.

It’s easy. You create a ‘Scrip event of a party, a night out, or a weekend away and add all of the photos and videos that you took during it. But then you invite your friends to add their own photos and videos to the same ‘Scrip’.

So you’ll always have the complete picture!

Scripin’s about
• Collaborating – invite your friends before or after any event, to upload their photos and videos into the Scrip that you’ve created. This could be just a few of you on a night out, loads of you at a party or wedding or even everyone at a festival!
• Reliving the moment – Scrip’s presentation mode allows you to view from your mobile, tablet, PC or Smart TV, the complete timeline of who did what, when and where, as it actually happened!
• Sharing the fun - you can send a Scripost - a photo or video based e-card, to all of your mates who weren’t there, letting them know what they missed out on!
• Permanent great times – you can design, layout, order and pay for a Scripbook (a printed photobook) as a great memory of an amazing time or to give as a present to someone special.

Scripin is available to download for free from the Apple App Store.

You can also use Scripin through our website

So wherever you are and however you want to use it, you can.

Now you really can be everywhere at the same time!

Scripin, It’s life amplified.